PyrokinesisThis ability is burning hot among all abilities. Its so weird why the most powerful ability in the game is just for free?. If you still don't have this well I may say your having a big lost and you don't your foe is just taking advantage at you. So dont be a loser , get this item as many as you can.

*FB = Facebook

Here are the tricks to have this item the easiest way:
1. Create a Dummy Vampire account and add to your original Vampire account.
read here the details about How To Create a Dummy Vampire Accounts.

2. Access your original Vampire account in different browser this could be like your having 2 browser that will run in different FB sessions. Once you have access to your account , now accept the invitation from your Dummy account.

3. Now you have your Dummy account as a friend , its time to do the collection by sending a gift to your Dummy accounts. But first acquire the cheapest ability in the Bazaar which is the "Fang".

4. Now got to your Clan , look for your Dummy account and send a gift. Confirm the gift to be send.

5. If Santa's didn't show up in your sending, it means he wants more. So speaking of more, do the same procedure again. Here is the trick, you can click faster and many times in the link "send this gift --- again" while the busy icon shows. This will send the gift many times and you'll have more chance to get Santa.

5. Switch to your other browser with the Dummy account. Now in your Dummy account you will be notified someone sent you a gift . Accept the gift and from that the same gift send it back to your original account. Repeat the process many times as you want.

Here you go, Pyro for free. Come and take it while it smoking.

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