Everytime I play VW I've always used 2 Browser Windows, one is for Combat and the other one is for browsing other page. You will see the difference once you try it and it works well.

Here are the advantage of playing Multiple Screens:
1. You don't have to stop your combat to browse other page.
2. You don't have to stop your combat to deposit Blood in the blood bank
3. You can do mission while busy in Combat.
4. You don't have to refresh the page.
7. While waiting for Akema's Gamble , you can still play do other things.
8. When you are in Combat and run out of Health , you don't have to restore it and lost the combo of Rage.

But there are also some disadvantage: :
1. You might encounter system difficulties due to out memmories.
2. Your browser might crushed.
3. You might get confused using both windows.
4. It will slow down you internet connection.

Here are the steps to open in new Window.

1. If you are using Firefox, Google-Chrome, Safari, and IE.7 you can use the tab-window option otherwise use New-Window option.
2. Right-click the page you want to browse and select the "Open link in new Tab" or press "Ctrl" + click for shortcut.
3. Leave one tab-window for you Combat and the other one for other functions.

That's just too easy and you can have tab-window as many as you can, as long as your PC won't crush.

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