The best strategy for this game is to have a hundreds of clan and add as many as you can until your reach the 501 quota. Theres a lot of strategy or gimmick to do this and everybody is doing it.

Here are the tips to achieve your pyramiding plan:

1. Create an invitation link. This way they won't need to add you manually in their Facebook and invite you for a clan request. This is the shortcut for this , just click the link and you will got the invitation.

2. Search a fans group of the game. Theres a lot of fans group created every weeks so you won't hard time to find one everyday. The idea is make a fan of the group first then once its confirmed, post a message or add those fanatic people by adding them to Facebook. Though its time consuming to add them one by one, another way is just post a message that you want a clan or post your Invitation Link then automatically people will give you a request.

3. Add all your friends in your Facebook even those who don't really play yet, Vikeep on adding them till they give up and hook the game.

4. Visits some VW forums. Theres a lot of people everyday discussing about this game in some threads and this way you can learn something new and you can invite some of them too . Don't forget to leave your Inivitation Link this way some of them will add you without knowing you.

5. Looks in Google for listed Invitation List . Theres a lot floating in some sites giving some list of Invitation List of VW addict. Get them and add them , and you will be gifted with high power Vampires.

6. Visit some VW blogs , fanpage , twitter, and other VW related site then leave a message or a comment that you want a clan or the easiest way is to just leave your Invitation Request Link.

7. Be freindly Vampire like The Count (Sesame Street). Theres no other way to have a great powerful clan but to have a strong build good friends.

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** all icon images used in abilities are owned by Zynga Vampire Wars, I'm not owning or recreating any material in this page. All information are prior to change by the owners of the game.

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