Aside from getting help from them, there are great things that your clan can offer.

These are the things that you need to know why you need Clan and disadvantages of having small clan:

1. When you've reached to lvl-20 and still has less than 10-members you'll be feeling lonely. And you'll get envy to your opponent who has more than 10x clans than on you. And you know you can't match him .

2. You'll be a midget looking for some one to bully in a big boys list. Looking for someone you can match.

3. You'll have hard time to get more loots because you'll just be depending on your missions loots.

4. You'll be vulnerable from hit-list attack, having small clan makes your defense weaker.

5. You don't want to combat and you'll spend your time doing missions. You'll be keeping your eye on the "energy" counter.

6. You will get less free items like "Premonition, Bloodletting, & Shaddow Conceal".

7. Purge Blood is a treasure for you knowing its a free from clan invitation.

8. Nobody will tells you that you're doing the wrong way.

9. You wont get free the Blood-Magic Spin , unless you'll love spinning it by your own.

10. After you've reached to lvl-30, its the end of your combat. You'll be enjoying refreshing your list until you've found a opponent too weak for you.

11. You'll get bored seeing over and over the red-text message saying "YOU LOST....".

11. You'll stop playing VW and watch Barney's instead :)

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