To make the ability more effective you'll have to mastered the abilities and this is by offering blood in the Bazzar . The higher the ability the expensive the blood you'll need. You can see the difference when you mastered the abilities because it will improve the attack and defense but the only draw back is, it will consume some of your upkeep.

Here are the tips to master your Abilities

1. Master first the weak abilities like "Fangs", "Vamparic Claws" , "Enhanced Sense" and so on. This will give you more advantage because you can afford to have more . Imagine 100x Greater-fangs.

2. Make sure to an master ability everyday. It takes a lot of days to master one ability usually it takes 4days to complete one weak ability and 6days for higher ability. So make sure to master some of them.

3. If your Blood Flow is not earning 1million per hour don't master yet the high upkeep abilities like "Wolf Form" and "Horrific Transformation".

4. Keep buying Minions to increase your Blood Flow. Try to have at least 2x Law Firm and 5x Swat-Strike team.

5. If you are in the 20th level its a must to mastered some of your abilities , don't let other vampires take advantage on you because of their mastered abilities.

6. The result of mastered abilities is not really noticeable so better increase the quantity to be more effective.

7. If your planning to master the ability that has high upkeep, buy as many as you can first cause once it gots mastered it will increase its cost drastically.

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** all icons and images used in abilities are owned by Zynga Vampire Wars, I'm not owning or recreating any material in this page that owned by the creator. All informations can not be copied without any consent from the Author"

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