Artisan : New Scythes

9:35 AM by , under

The new artifacts are here and greatly presented to you by your evil twins, give them some Ingots to craft this deadly item for you. Complete them all so you'll be ready REAPING some Vampires.


Gain +10 Attack, +10 Defense, and +20 Energy

Death Scythe
+20 Attack
+20 Energy
Cost: 50  Gray Ingots

Flame Scythe
+20 Defense
+20 Energy
Cost: 50  Blue Ingots

Modern Scythe
+10 Rage
+20 Energy
Cost: 50  Silvare Ingots 


1. Do a lot of some mission, occasionally the raw items will drop.

2. Visit the elders and do the daily activities like Spin The Wheel, Visit the collectors and Gamble with Akims. Occasionally some raw items will drop from them.

3. Ask gifts to your friends.

4. Check out your wall feeds or gift from friends.

5. Use your favor points.


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