Mission List With Rare Item Loots

11:38 AM by , under

Here are the list of missions with their information and rare items you could found:

I. Fledgling Missions

Feast on a Human's Blood
Payout: 200-300
Exp: +1
Requirement: 1en
Loot: -??-

Destroy a Renegade Vampire
Payout: 800-1200
Exp: +3
Requirement: 1en + Fangs
Loot: -??-

Eliminate a Street Gang
Payout: 1400-2500
Exp: +5
Requirement: 5en + Vamparic Claws
Loot: -??-

Raid a Blood Bank
Payout: 2800-4600
Exp: +8
Requirement: 7en + A-Frenzy + S.Strength
Loot: -??-

Fight a Sewer Wererat
Payout: 520-780
Exp: +2
Requirement: 1en + Fangs
Loot: Command Rat Swarm, Blood to Ashes

Kill a Drug Dealer
Payout: 840-1260
Exp: +2
Requirement: 2en + Vamparic Claws
Loot: Cause Madness, Intoxicating Bite

Rescue an Ally From an Insane Asylum
Payout: 1120-1680
Exp: +2
Requirement: 2en + Fangs + E.senses
Loot: Command a Wolf Pack ,Cause Madness , Blood to Ashes

II. Neophyte Missions

Fight Ghouls in the Deep Woods
Payout: 1,600 ‑ 2,400
Exp: +3
Requirement: 3en +2x Gliding + 2xwolf form
Loot: Command a Wolf Pack

Destroy a Circle of Warlocks
Payout: 1,600 ‑ 2,400
Exp: +3
Requirement: 3en + 2x Gliding + 2x wolf form
Loot: Blood to Ashes

Tame a Shadow Demon
Payout: 1,700 ‑ 2,500
Exp: +3
Requirement: 4en + 3x Gliding + 2x wolf form
Loot: Shadow Manipulation

Feed in Central Park
Payout: 4,000 ‑ 6,500
Exp: +3
Requirement: 3en + 3x Gliding + 2x Wolf form
Loot: -??-

Attack a Vampiric Lair
Payout: 5,000 ‑ 15,000
Exp: +20
Requirement: 15en +3x Gliding + 3x Mind Control
Loot: -??-

Sneak into Vampires' Nest
Payout: 6,400 ‑ 9,600
Exp: +5
Requirement: 5en + Gliding + wolf form
Loot: Drain Youth

Fight a Vampire Slayer
Payout: 1,600 ‑ 2,400
Exp: +3
Requirement: 3en + 2x Bat Form + 2x Wolf form
Loot: Invisibility

End the Unlife of a Lich
Payout: 7,600 ‑ 11,400
Exp: +5
Requirement: 3en + 2x Bat Form + Horiffic Transformation
Loot: Immunity to Silver

III. Adept Missions

Challenge a Haitian Voodoo Gang
Payout: 8,800 ‑ 13,200
Exp: +6
Requirement: 6en +2x Bat Form+ 2xwolf form + 4x S.Strength
Loot: Command a Wolf Pack

Fight a Pack of Werewolves
Payout: 48,000 ‑ 72,000
Exp: +22
Requirement: 18en +2x Gliding + 2x Wolf form
Loot: -??-

Retrieve a Lost Relic From the High Desert
Payout: 28,000 ‑ 42,000
Exp: +8
Requirement: 7en + Bat Form+ 2x Wolf form + 5x F.Healing
Loot: -??-

Fight Another Vampire For Mental Dominance
Payout: 36,000 ‑ 54,000
Exp: +10
Requirement: 8en +2x Gliding + 2xwolf form
Loot: -??-

Take Control of a Neighborhood
Payout: 100,000 ‑ 400,000
Exp: +30
Requirement: 3en +3x Bat Form + 3x H.Transformation + 5x M.Control
Loot: -??-

Save a Vampire From Hunters
Payout: 64,000 ‑ 96,000
Exp: +15
Requirement: ??
Loot: -??-

Clear a Laboratory of Hideous Mutants
Payout: 108,000 ‑ 162,000
Exp: +18
Requirement: ??
Loot: -??-

Rescue an Ally from the Underworld
Payout: 142,000 ‑ 213,000
Exp: +20
Requirement: ??
Loot: -??-

more to follow :

** all icons and images used in abilities are owned by Zynga Vampire Wars, I'm not owning or recreating any material in this page that owned by the creator. All informations can not be copied without any consent from the Author"

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