This new feature from VW is been going for a month from now. The feature is like you'll judging your Clan based from his Avatar looks. To be fair you'll just need to judge him to "Tasty" to get him some points. Once he got more Tasty points he will have some BONUS REFILL from his stats. It could free REFILL for his ENERGY , RAGE and the most of all if you're judging you'll get Favor points and rare items like the this....
Cross Running WaterCross Running Water
Cool and these items is tremendously powerful. (...Pyrokinesis is still the powerful free item)

These are the following tips to get TASTY judge:
1. Make your Vampire be eye catching ,hot and attractive . Its just like your dressing your vampire doll to be cute or making it more fashion intense. You know your taste so its not a problem what ever it will goes.

2. Keep Judging other people so you'll be judged by others too. Its contradicting for a good life principle quote like "Don't judge others so you won't be judge by others too". In VW this life principle has different better reasons.

3. Post a Quick Link. This Quick Link will be automatically judge you to TASTY once your clan click it. This way is less time and effort and you don't have to dress pretty . Basically people doesn't play this judging seriously , they just want it for FREE REFILL so don't be too much concern about your avatar looks.
**see more details about QUICK LINK TRICKS

4. To be fair judge TASTY only to give them more points and you'll also recieved the same judgement. Try to be nice though Vampires are not nice people :).

5.Keep Posting your QUICK LINK to VW Groups or Forum sites.

Again JUDGE is a feature supposed to support the dressing of your Avatar , to encourage other people to work with their avatar just to look better and to make use the shop more in the Bazaar. But its been abused just to have FREE REFILL, anyway theres no argument as long as its enjoying other people and can do freely whatever they like.

**make sure you are in the same clan to make this work

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** all icons and images used in abilities are owned by Zynga Vampire Wars, I'm not owning or recreating any material in this page that owned by the creator. All informations can not be copied without any consent from the Author"

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