Purge Blood is most common used in Combat cause its too easy to attain and its for free. Its attributes is totally over rated with 27at + 9df , no wonder Vampires love to have this. One way to attain this is to let your friends in your FB to invite you to join in his clan, then once you have accepted it ,automtically "Purge Blood" ability will be yours for free. By doing the process repeteadly you could have a lot of this and imagine having 20 members in your clan will be like (20 x Purge Blood) -- over kill!.

Now here is the trick to have this in the easiest way, without waiting for your friends to invite you:

1. Create a dummy Facebook account and add the VW application .
( read the details about How To Create A Dummy Vampire Account )
2. In your dummy Facebook and create your VW account .
3. Open a new Browser its should different Software like if you used IE in creating your dummy the other Browser should be Firefox . The idea it should have different session to open your Facebook.
5. From original Facbook add your dummy Facebook account in your friends.
4. Now going back in your dummy VW account , accept the invitation from your original account. This will add your original VW account to your dummy.
5. Go back to your dummy VW account and go to the "Clan" menu and select "Invite".
Your original VW account will appear in the list. Select your account and confirmed the invitation.
6. Go to your original Facebook VW account. Your will see a invitation request from your dummy account.
7. "Accept" it and you'll get free "Purge Blood".
8. Now Go to "Clan" and select "My Clan" . Find your dummy account and select it.
9. You'll see your dummy avatar and select the link "Remove from my clan". Say good bye to your dummy account. This will remove your dummy account from your clan.
10. Now go back to your dummy account again and add your original account as like you did in step-5 . Repeat the process until you reach your quota.

**Note: To switch account from your browser use different kind of browser. I suggest you to use Firefox and IE , or Google-Chrome . You should not be in the same browser to open multiple Facebook account.

** all icons and images used in abilities are owned by Zynga Vampire Wars, I'm not owning or recreating any material in this page that owned by the creator. All informations can not be copied without any consent from the Author"

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